Network for Early Modern (ca 16th–17th century) Research in Finland
The Network for Early Modern Research in Finland is a multidisciplinary network for scholars and students interested in early modern times regardless of theirs geographical and thematic areas of interest. The network promotes research on the early modern era, ranging roughly from the end of the Middle ages to the early nineteenth century, by facilitating collaboration between researchers and by improving visibility of research in other areas of society. Every two years, the network organizes a conference focusing mainly on research on 16th and 17th centuries.
The members of the network are researchers and students from various fields, including archaeology, philosophy, history, cultural studies, linguistics, literature, music studies, art history, and theology. Researchers and students can apply for a free membership by completing this form. The board approves the applications in their meeting and informs the new members by email.
More information about membership and members
The aim of the network is to provide opportunities for national and international networking for individual scholars at different stages of their careers as well as to promote networking between different early modern networks in the Nordic countries and beyond. Additionally, the network and the board coordinating its activities serve international actors interested in cooperation with Finnish researchers. The network also provides information for media regarding topical scientific news and finding experts of different fields. The network informs its members of news and events in the field via Facebook and Twitter.
Contact the board toimikunta@uudenajanalku.fi If you wish the Network to promote your event, project or something else related to Early Modern research, please contact the network’s publicist Saara Penttinen (simpen@utu.fi).
The Network operated with the help of the Committee over the years 2019–2023. On Friday, 12 May, Uuden ajan alun tutkimuksen verkosto ry (the registered association of the Network for Early Modern Research in Finland) was founded and its first board was elected. The network is part of the Finnish Historical Society (Suomen Historiallinen Seura (SHS)), which is a part of The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskunta (TSV)).
Umeå Group for Premodern Studies